Fawn: ACU FilmFest 2023

Sunrise timelapse

Sunrise timelapse

A still shot of the sunrise timelapse. I'm particularly proud of this shot, because I created the river! I learned a lot about water physics in blender for it!

A still shot of the sunrise timelapse. I'm particularly proud of this shot, because I created the river! I learned a lot about water physics in blender for it!

A behind-the-scenes clip of Jim lighting the fire, animated by yours truly!

An environment render provided by our director and lead environment artist, Jackson Kennemer

An environment render provided by our director and lead environment artist, Jackson Kennemer

Environment renders :)

Environment renders :)

Some of Caleb's layout concept art, which I used to make the cabin model!

Some of Caleb's layout concept art, which I used to make the cabin model!

More cabin concept art that I used when whiteboxing the cabin.

More cabin concept art that I used when whiteboxing the cabin.

I had the pleasure of creating the cabin for the film, along with many of the items in it

I had the pleasure of creating the cabin for the film, along with many of the items in it

Our director Jackson made a whole animatic for us to work from! Check it out!

Fawn: ACU FilmFest 2023

I LOVED working on this project! A group of friends and I, lead by Jackson Kennemer, animated a film in Blender for ACU FilmFest 2023 https://blogs.acu.edu/filmfest/flashback-spring-2023/.
The film is about a hunter (Jim) and his dog (Samson) who begin to question their way of life when they meet a baby deer (Shelby).
This project was a ton of fun, and came together really quickly (as in animated the whole thing in 2 weeks quickly). We really enjoyed stretching our animation skills and plan to be back next FilmFest with an even better film!

The Team (Love Them!):
Jackson Kennemer: https://www.artstation.com/jacksonkennemer9
Ky McLeod: https://www.artstation.com/kymcleod
Caleb Myers: https://www.artstation.com/calebmyers2
Joseph Perez: https://www.artstation.com/josephrperez
Matthew Carlson: https://www.artstation.com/mtx
Jonah Norcross: https://www.artstation.com/jonah19
Kelli Norris: https://www.artstation.com/bladeofcadence
Drew McLeod: https://www.artstation.com/dmcleodnine
Chase Yamaguchi: https://www.artstation.com/justmino
Sponsored by Dr. Brian Burton: https://www.artstation.com/abilenechristianuniversity