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UX/UI: Arrangement Guide Menu

The menu in Passare's Arrangement Guide software was implemented as a quick-fix solution to meet compliance guidelines. Coming back to the menu later, the team knew we needed to fix the multiple CTA's and overwhelming number of links to make the menu more user-friendly.
The content of the menu needed to stay the same, but the presentation of the information needed to make more sense to allow users to navigate the site.
The new menu is both easier to read and provided an opportunity to make certain actions more prominent, such as creating a new plan, which is a large goal for the company.

My redesigned menu with flow chart, signed in version

My redesigned menu with flow chart, signed in version

My redesigned menu with flow chart, signed out version

My redesigned menu with flow chart, signed out version

The original menu, signed in and signed out versions. Too many buttons and links, no clear CTA

The original menu, signed in and signed out versions. Too many buttons and links, no clear CTA

The original menu, signed out version with page context

The original menu, signed out version with page context

User flow chart I made to be sure I understood what needed to be designed

User flow chart I made to be sure I understood what needed to be designed

Redesigned menu, with page context

Redesigned menu, with page context

Example page with menu closed

Example page with menu closed