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Mello - Group Project, Now on Steam!

This project was a collaborative effort with myself and three team members (see and We created a video game from the ground up in one semester for a class final project. I did all of the artwork for this project along with a good chunk of coding. I only displayed my art from this project here. If you would like a demo of the game, feel free to go try it out on Steam:

Project Icon

Project Icon

Cutscene 1

Cutscene 1

Cutscene 2

Cutscene 2

Cutscene 3

Cutscene 3

Cutscene 4

Cutscene 4

Cutscene 5

Cutscene 5

Cutscene 6

Cutscene 6

Mo Walk Sprites

Mo Walk Sprites

Mo Dead Sprite

Mo Dead Sprite

Mo Blinking Sprite

Mo Blinking Sprite

Marshmallows Concerned Sprite

Marshmallows Concerned Sprite

Ember Sprite - Angry

Ember Sprite - Angry

Ember Sprite - Calm

Ember Sprite - Calm

Ant Sprites

Ant Sprites

Ant Sprites

Ant Sprites

Rock Sprites

Rock Sprites

Tree Sprites

Tree Sprites

Healing Animation Frames

Healing Animation Frames

Game Over Screen

Game Over Screen





Dirt Background

Dirt Background

Wood Texture

Wood Texture