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UX/UI: Passare Login Redesign

The Passare login screen was causing confusion with customers because they didn't understand what the page was prompting them to do. There were customers attempting to log in despite not having an account, and customers who already had accounts making duplicates. Ultimately, it caused many customers to abandon the site altogether.

To solve this, my team and I created a choice-based workflow which asked the customer simple questions so that they would understand the choices they were making. Logging in should be so simple you hardly have to think about it, so we set up the flow so that the design did all the work.
We also mapped out how users were arrived at the site and designed around that so that even if they used an unconventional method, the flow would still work for them.

Testing showed that the new design allowed customers to more successfully log in or create accounts. With customers no longer abandoning the website due to the frustration of the log in screen, the rest of the site gained traffic and potential customer sign-ups increased.

Default login screen, redesigned

Default login screen, redesigned

Login form

Login form

Login screen for known returning users

Login screen for known returning users

The original login screen

The original login screen

Mobile version with dev notes in Figma

Mobile version with dev notes in Figma

Design is a process! Iteration is the name of the game

Design is a process! Iteration is the name of the game